View of the Rental Property | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 x 20 inches

Marriage | gouache and oil on panel | 20 x 22 inches

Jeanne Dielman | gouache and oil on panel | 20 x 22 inches

Feather Down Couch | gouache and oil on panel | 20 x 22 inches

The Farm (Summer) | gouache and oil on panel | 36 x 40 inches

Caroline’s Back Porch (October) | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Depressions | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

French Press | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Dry Fern | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Betty Boop | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Feather Down Couch | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Record Player | pencil on paper | 14 x 17 inches

Frogger | gouache, oil, paper collage on panel | 24 x 30 inches

MTV | gouache, oil, paper collage on panel | 36 x 40 inches

Getting Ready | gouache, oil, paper collage on panel | 24 x 30 inches

Making Out on Pleasure Drive | gouache and oil on panel | 18 20 inches

Evening Shift | gouache and oil on panel | 24 x 30 inches

The Farm Mid-June | gouache and oil on panel | 35 x 35 inches

Northside Southside | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 35 x 35 inches

Jenny’s House on Sultana | pencil on paper | 24 x 30 inches

Tornado Warning | oil on panel | 40 x 35 inches

Wesley’s Shoe Corral | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Fan | gouache on panel | 20 x 16 inches

Sixty-Year Old Bed | oil, gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 x 30 inches

Ping Pong | gouache and oil on panel | 30 x 22 inches

After School | gouache and oil on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Bo, Hope, and Michael | gouache and oil on panel | 18 × 22 inches

JFK, Lizzie, and Me | gouache, oil, paper collage on panel | 18 x 22 inches

School Morning | gouache and oil on panel | 18 x 20 inches

Pitfall | gouache and oil on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Northside Southside | gouache and paper collage on panel | 35 x 35 inches

Bonjour Bakery | gouache and oil on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Treasure Island | gouache on panel | 24 x 30 inches

Backyard Garden | gouache and oil on panel | 24 x 30 inches

Bret Harte Elementary | gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 x 30 inches

East View Park | gouache and oil on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Valois | gouache on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Sheila’s House | gouache and paper collage on panel | 35 × 35 inches

Indianapolis Suburbs | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 30 inches

Alex’s Dacha | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

East View | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Holidays | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 18 inches

Moths | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Sunset and Fireworks | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 18 inches

Waiting for Jeff | gouache and paper collage on panel | 22 × 18 inches

Hardwood Floors | gouache and paper collage on panel | 35 × 35 inches

Obama’s House | gouache on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Michigan VRBO | gouache and paper collage on panel | 35 × 35 inches

Friend: Susan | gouache and paper collage on panel | 5 panels | 48 × 60 inches

Republican Donor | gouache and paper collage on panel | 16 × 12 inches

Connoisseurs | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 22 inches

Antique Dealers | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 30 inches

Margie’s Hummels | cast and fused glass sculptures | approx 9 × 6 inches in wood cabinet 36H × 24W × 4D inches wood plinths 6H × 9W × 4D inches

Girl in Tree | cast and fused glass | 9 × 6 × 1/2 inches

Boy with Gun | cast and fused glass | 7 × 5 × 1/2 inches

Following @jerrysaltz | pencil on paper | 12 × 9 inches

Connoisseurs | pencil on notebook paper | 11 × 8.5 inches

Piano Teacher | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 22 inches

LA AirBnB | gouache and paper collage on panel | 40 × 30 inches

Friend: Janet | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Friend: Sandie | gouache and paper collage on panel | 22 × 28 inches

Friend: Jana | gouache and paper collage on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Friend: Becky | gouache and paper collage on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Friends: Lisa and Tim | gouache and paper collage on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Friend: Janet | pencil on paper | 16 × 20 inches

Seamstress | gouache on panel | 30 × 24 inches

Family Room (Artist) | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 22 inches

Family Room (Sister) | gouache on panel | 28 × 22 inches

Retired Gardening (In-laws) | gouache on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Retired Yard Work (Parents) | gouache on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Down Hill (Delhi) | gouache on panel | 12 × 16 inches

Pictures and Pillows | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 20 × 24 inches

First Apartment | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 20 × 24 inches

Room Air Conditioner | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 30 × 24 inches

The Girl’s Room | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 24 × 30 inches

The Ex Wife | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 18 × 24 inches

Play Date | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 20 × 24 inches

Anjula and Satish’s Terrace | gouache on panel | 30 × 24 inches

John’s Two TVs | gouache on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Around the Block Ohio | gouache on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Pulaski Park Pool | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 23 × 28 inches

Area Rugs and Placemats | gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Chair Covers and Area Rug | gouache and paper collage on panel | 30 × 24 inches

Crooked Bedspread | gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Room Air Conditioner | gouache and paper collage on panel | 30 × 24 inches

Kitchen Cabinets | gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 × 30 inches

The Girl’s Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Dining Room Margie’s Clutter | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 30 × 40 inches

Finished Basement Sunday Night | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 26 × 40 inches

Margie and Neal’s Room | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 18 × 22 inches

Margie’s Room | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 18 × 22 inches

Jenny | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 20.5 × 22.5 inches

The Kitchen | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 25.5 inches

Parent’s Room | gouache and cut paper collage on panel | 25.5 × 20 inches

Four Sisters | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Five Brothers | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 25.5 inches

Hortencia’s House | gouache and paper collage on panel | 40 × 30 inches

Angela and Gary’s Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 22 inches

Carolyn and Ann’s Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 22 inches

Six Sisters (Judy) | paper collage on paper | 50 × 60 inches

Six Sisters (Joanne) | paper collage on paper | 50 × 60 inches

E & A | gouache and paper collage on panel | 22 × 26 inches

E & L | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 22 inches

First Wife | gouache and paper collage on panel | 22 × 28 inches

Second Wife | gouache and paper collage on panel | 28 × 22 inches

Second Marriage, East View Park | gouache and paper collage on panel | 38 × 45 inches

Second Marriage, Madison Park | gouache, paper collage, and yarn on panel | 30 × 40 inches

Living Together | gouache on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Remarried | gouache and paper collage on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Carolyn and Ann’s Room | pencil on paper | 20 × 18 inches

Finished Basement | gouache on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Jenny | gouache and paper collage on panel |20 × 22 inches

Margie and Neal’s Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 20 inches

TV Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Margie’s Room | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Pictures and Dolls | gouache and paper collage on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Margie and Neal | paper collage, flocking, and lace on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Loreaux and His Wife | gouache, paper collage, and flocking on panel | 24 × 30 inches

The Caretaker | gouache and paper collage on panel | 20 × 16 inches

Company | gouache, paper collage, lace, felt, and plastic on paper | 20 × 26 inches

Death Beds | gouache, paper collage, flocking, and yarn on panel | 60 × 46 inches

The Pastor Visits | mixed media on panel | 16 × 22 inches

Loreaux and His Wife | pencil, colored pencil, and collage on paper | 24 × 30 inches

Mrs. Beckenhaupt | gouache, paper collage, and flocking on panel | 16 × 20 inches

Margie’s Room | cut paper collage on paper | 80 × 126 inches

Neal’s Room | cut paper collage on paper | 67 × 117 inches

Frying Donuts | gouache-on-panel | 12 × 16 inches

Jean’s Vision | gouache and paper collage on panel | 9 × 12 inches

Hein and Jim’s Apartment | gouache and paper collage on panel | 18 × 22 inches

Jeff’s Studio | gouache on panel | 12 × 9 inches

Jim’s Apartment | gouache, pencil, and paper collage on panel | 36 × 45 inches

Margie’s Room | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 18 × 30 inches

The Doctor’s Wife | paper collage, acetate, and gouache on paper | 75 × 127 inches

The Grocer’s Wife | cut paper collage on paper | 75 × 100 inches

The Photo Engraver’s Wife | cut paper collage on paper | 75 × 100 inches

Power Outage | gouache and paper collage on panel | 12 × 16 inches

The Benefactors | colored pencil and pencil on paper | 42 × 35 inches

The Benefactors | paper collage and pencil on paper | 42 × 35 inches

The Doctor’s Wife | pencil and colored pencil on paper

The Ex Wife’s Plants and Things | paper, paint, acetate, and pencil on paper | 30 × 40 inches

The Ex Wife’s Pies and Things | paper, paint, acetate, and pencil on paper | 30 × 40 inches

Washing the Windows | gouache and oil on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Beating the Rug | gouache and oil on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Rental Property | gouache on panel | 12 × 16 inches

Single Mother | gouache on panel | 16 × 12 inches

Hoarder | gouache on panel | 16 × 12 inches

The Ex Wife’s Plants and Things | pencil and colored pencil on paper | 24 × 30 inches

Dusty Dining Room | gouache on panel | 33 × 40 inches

Polishing the Furniture | gouache and oil on panel | 33 × 40 inches

Vacuuming the Dining Room | oil and gouache on panel | 33 × 40 inches

Clean Dining Room | oil on panel | 33 × 40 inches

Bachelor | gouache on panel | 12 × 9 inches

St. Augustine | gouache-on-panel | 65 × 44 inches

Decorating for the Wedding | gouache-on-panel | 18 × 24 inches

Burning Down the Second House | gouache on panel | 18 × 24 inches

Building Card Houses | gouache on panel | 18 × 24 inches

Drying Our Boots by the Stove | gouache on panel | 18 × 24 inches

Red Plastic Plates | paper collage on board | 30 × 24 inches

St. Lawrence | gouache on panel | 50 × 30 inches

St. John the Evangelical | gouache on panel | 60 × 36 inches

St. Dominic | gouache on panel | 60 × 36 inches

St. Mary Magdalene | gouache on panel | 30 × 24 inches

Stained Glass (Family Room) | oil on panel

Stained Glass (Kitchen) | oil on panel

Stained Glass (Bedroom) | oil on canvas

Attic Sleepovers | paper collage on board | 42 × 48 inches

Christmases | oil on canvas | 2 panels | 37 × 50 inches each

Christmases (left panel) | oil on canvas | 37 × 50 inches

Christmases (right panel) | oil on canvas | 37 × 50 inches

Nativities | oil on canvas

Nativities (left panel) | oil on canvas

Nativities (right panel) | oil on canvas

Jigsaw | oil on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Yahtzee | oil on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Grandpa’s Chair | oil on canvas | 33 × 45 inches

Grease Fire | oil on canvas | 28 × 40 inches

Seven Bananas | oil on canvas

Backyard Hunting | oil on canvas | 28 × 40 inches

Jigsaw | colored-pencil-on-paper | 9 × 12 inches

Seven Bananas | colored pencil on paper | 9 × 12 inches

Peeling Potatoes | 2004 | oil on canvas

Mornings Vacuuming | 2004 | gouache on panel

Evenings Mopping | 2004 | gouache on panel

Evenings Painting | 2005 | oil on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Christmas Nights | 2005 | gouache on panel | 24 × 30 inches

Peeling Potatoes | 2004 | pencil on paper | 12 × 16 inches

TV Breakfasts | 2004 | pencil on paper

Cooking Breakfasts | 2004 | pencil on paper

Evenings Painting | 2004 | pencil on paper | 24 × 30 inches

Christmas Nights | 2002 | gouache on panel | 18 × 20 inches

After School Days | 2001 | gouache on panel | 18 × 20 inches

Attic Sleepovers | 2002 | gouache on panel | 36 × 48 inches

Labor Days | 2003 | gouache on panel | 36 × 48 inches

After Dinners Sunday Nights | 2003 | gouache on panel | 26 × 30 inches

Attic Sleepovers | 2002 | pencil on paper | 36 × 48 inches

Labor Days | 2003 | pencil on paper | 12 × 18 inches

After Dinners Sunday Nights | 2003 | pencil on paper | 26 × 30 inches